Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tipton Poetry Journal - Summer 2008

Issue #10 of the Tipton Poetry Journal has been published and is available now in both print and online versions.

Contributors for the Summer issue include: Elizabeth Barbato, Ellen,Bihler, CL Bledsoe, Richard Alan Bunch, Nancy Burke, Mary Butler, Roxanne,Cazan, Jeff Calhoun, Terry Cunningham, Kristina Marie Darling, Brent Fisk,,Flor Aguilera García, Tim Hurley, James Keane, Stephen Lefebure, Doris,Lynch, Angie Macri, Donna M. Marbach, Bonnie Maurer, Wynne McClure, Rohana,McCormack, Kevin McKelvey, Michael P. McMannus, Amanda McQuade, Martha,Meltzer, Cheryl Soden Moreland, Miranda Morley, James Murdock, Tonya,Northenor, Mary O’Dell, James Owens, Joe Paddock, J.R. Pearson, Richard,Pflum, Christine Potter, Doug Ramspeck, Tony Richard Rodriguez, Norma,Sadler, Dennis Saleh, Noel Sloboda, James Tipton, Mark Vogel, James R.,Whitley and Fredrick Zydek.